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If we look at its growth over the last three years, we will see that its price has increased 13X. The closest Bitcoin’s competitor is just as successful. The 如果我们查看其过去三年的增长,我们将看到其价格上涨了13倍。 最接近比特币的竞争对手也同样成功。 has grown from $10 in November 2016 to $190 in November 2019. Cryptocurrencies have made people a lot of money so far. But that’s a long-term perspective, which is usually leveraged by investors. And what about traders? 从2016年11月的10美元增长到2019年11月的190美元。到目前为止,加密货币已经使人们赚了很多钱。 但这是一个长期的观点,通常会被投资者利用。 那商人呢?

It is important to trade cryptocurrency as intelligently as possible. If not, you potentially risk losing it all. Most cryptocurrency assets are incredibly volatile, much more so than standard investments. This volatility can lead to both a lot of yield and a lot of loss. Seeing an asset go from increasing by 7% in one day to losing 11% of its value the next is not uncommon.

尽可能智能地交易加密货币很重要。 如果没有,您可能会失去全部风险。 大多数加密货币资产的波动性令人难以置信,远远超过了标准投资。 这种波动会导致大量收益和大量损失。 看到资产从一天增加7%到下一天损失其价值11%的情况并不少见。

Thus, be sure to have a sustainable strategy in place for your trading in order to manage your risk. Develop a trading approach that works over time, and won’t leave you broke in a single day.

因此,请务必为您的交易制定可持续的策略,以管理风险。 开发一种随着时间的推移而运作的交易方法,并且一天之内都不会让您破产。

This blog post highlights a few tips to help you devise and develop a sustainable strategy for cryptocurrency trading.


以舒适的步伐进行贸易 (Trade at a Comfortable Pace)

In order to trade sustainably, you need to do it successfully over time without losing everything. One of the best ways is to trade at a pace you are comfortable with.

为了可持续地进行交易,您需要随着时间的推移成功地进行交易,而不会失去所有东西。 最好的方法之一是按照自己喜欢的节奏进行交易。

Some people may trade cryptocurrency daily, but if they do so unsuccessfully, they could lose their entire investment in an instant. It doesn’t sound very sustainable, does it? The market hours for cryptocurrencies are long (24/7 actually), so you have a lot of flexibility when you decide to trade. Find the optimal market times, and trade at a comfortable pace within them.

有些人可能每天进行加密货币交易,但是如果交易不成功,他们可能会立即失去全部投资。 听起来不太可持续,是吗? 加密货币的市场交易时间很长(实际上是24/7),因此您在决定交易时具有很大的灵活性。 找到最佳的市场时间,并在其中轻松地进行交易。

在某个点使用止损 (Use a Stop-Loss at Some Point)

When dealing with cryptocurrency, you are bound to experience some loss from time to time. The assets change value frequently throughout the day, often by large amounts. Sometimes this can be in your favor, but that isn’t always the case. As a result, you want to do all you can to reduce the effects of these losses.

在处理加密货币时,您必然会遭受一些损失。 资产全天频繁变化,经常发生大量变化。 有时这可能对您有利,但并非总是如此。 结果,您想尽一切可能减少这些损失的影响。

One of the best ways to do so is to use stop-losses. A stop-loss is an order to buy or sell your cryptocurrency once it reaches a certain price. This will ensure you never lose too much or experience a massive catastrophe. Where you place the stop-loss will depend on your unique situation and how comfortable you are with risk. Without a stop-loss, there is no saying how much of a hit your investment may take if things go south.

最好的方法之一是使用止损。 止损是在达到一定价格后买卖您的加密货币的订单。 这将确保您永远不会损失太多或遭受巨大的灾难。 止损的位置将取决于您的独特情况以及您对风险的承受程度。 没有止损,没有话说,如果情况向南,您的投资可能遭受多少损失。

密切关注与您交易的资产有关的新闻 (Keep Your Eyes on News Related to the Asset You are Trading)

Unlike most types of fiat investments, there are no centralized bodies, financial institutions, or reports that come out to influence the price or value of cryptocurrency. The value is affected by the behavior of traders, and news. A piece of news can often have a large impact on price fluctuation. So you need to keep up with updates relating to whatever type of cryptocurrency you’re trading. If not, you may miss something and miss a good investment opportunity or a chance to sell high. Hacks and bans could hurt the value of a crypto asset, while added support or increasing adoption could help the value.

与大多数类型的法定投资不同,没有中央机构,金融机构或报告出台来影响加密货币的价格或价值。 价值受交易者行为和新闻的影响。 一条新闻通常会对价格波动产生重大影响。 因此,您需要跟上与您交易的任何类型的加密货币有关的更新。 如果没有,您可能会错失某些东西,并错过良好的投资机会或高价出售机会。 黑客和禁令可能会损害加密资产的价值,而增加支持或增加采用率可能会帮助其价值。

Now, this isn’t always the case, but you would be doing yourself a disservice if you weren’t following the cryptocurrency news while investing. There are many websites, social media accounts and other types of publications that are certainly worth a follow.

现在,情况并非总是如此,但是如果您在投资时没有关注加密货币新闻,那将对自己造成伤害。 有许多网站,社交媒体帐户和其他类型的出版物当然值得关注。

避免FOMO和其他基于情绪的决策 (Avoid FOMO and Other Emotion-Based Decisions)

One of the best ways to develop a sustainable strategy is to always keep a sound mind when trading. Base your trading decisions on facts and real information, not emotions.

制定可持续战略的最佳方法之一是在交易时始终保持良好的头脑。 您的交易决策基于事实和真实信息,而不是情感。

Unfortunately, there has been a lot of at different times. This has led to many people investing because of FOMO (fear of missing out). Sometimes, this works out. But, there are people who dive in when an asset is at its peak, only to see it crashing back down. As a result, they lose most of their investment in a matter of days.

不幸的是,在不同时间有很多的 。 由于FOMO(害怕错过),这导致许多人进行投资。 有时,这可以解决。 但是,有些人在资产达到峰值时潜入,却看到资产回落。 结果,他们在几天之内损失了大部分投资。

Don’t start trading simply because something is being talked about a lot, and you don’t want to miss out. Trading based on emotions is quite common but isn’t often fruitful. So, be sure to avoid it if possible.

不要仅仅因为谈论了很多话题而开始交易,而您不想错过。 基于情绪的交易是很普遍的,但往往没有成果。 因此,请确保尽可能避免它。

只冒险您可以承受的损失 (Only Risk What You Can Afford to Lose)

This is important for any type of trading, but especially for cryptocurrency. With how quickly the price can rise and fall, you never truly know what value an asset will carry at the end of a day. Because of this volatility, only risk money that you are okay to lose. If you invest the money you need to afford rent, groceries or other bills, and your investment tanks, you could find yourself in a very dark place. You can lose much more than when dealing with traditional assets, so always be sure to play it safe.

这对任何类型的交易都非常重要,尤其是对于加密货币。 随着价格上涨和下跌的速度变快,您将永远无法真正知道资产在一天结束时将具有什么样的价值。 由于这种波动性,只冒险冒险输掉您会损失的钱。 如果您将钱用于支付房租,杂货或其他账单以及您的投资箱,您会发现自己身处一个非常黑暗的地方。 与处理传统资产相比,您损失的可能更多,因此请务必确保谨慎行事。

Of course, you should perform your own research on what to trade and ultimately use a strategy you are comfortable with. The more sustainable your strategy is, the longer you will be able to trade, and the better you will likely perform.

当然,您应该对交易内容进行自己的研究,并最终使用自己喜欢的策略。 您的策略越可持续,您可以交易的时间就越长,并且您可能会表现得越好。




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